this is fred
Look. I know he's adorable. It's an undeniable fact. And you can't even see him in action, so you don't know -- you don't know! -- how seriously irrisistable he actually is. But please, if you ever do meet him, do me a favor and control yourself -- at least until we all exchange last names. An inordinate number of people feel free to kiss my dog and nuzzle his belly and frankly, it freaks me out. The last time we went to the vet, I thought I was witnessing some sort of cross-species porn flick there was so much kissing and nuzzling and gently whispered afterglow-like cooing. In all seriousness, I don't know where your mouth has been and while Fred is "clean" in the sense that he's got all his shots and is disease free, you'd be wise to remember that one of his favorite activities is eating and rolling in what my friend Rikki calls Almond-mocha-rocha. . . a.k.a. cat shit. So. Admire and fawn at will, but fair warning: keep your mouth to yourself.
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